Essential oils, it works!

from Editions Leduc.s.
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Danièle Festy teaches you, through this book, to cure the daily ills through aromatherapy: stress, sleep disorders, migraines, depression ...

With 140 recipes to make yourself!

Antiseptic, stimulating, soothing, antiviral or analgesic, essential oils have fantastic health properties and are extremely easy to use. They heal quickly, well and deeply.

Want to learn how to treat yourself with aromatherapy?
With this book, you will discover for example how:
  • soothe your pains (migraines, pains of rules, digestive ...) thanks to peppermint or eucalyptus lemon.
  • treat your infections (bronchitis, sinusitis ...) thanks to the oregano, formidable "antibiotic" natural, powerful and without side effects.
  • calm your stress with marjoram and your black ideas with lemon verbena.
  • get back to sleep with basil, fight against depression with orménie and neroli.
  • get rid of your cystitis with cinnamon of Ceylon, your fungus with the laurel, tea tree, palmarosa.

The author : Danièle Festy has long been a pharmacist. Passionate about essential oils, she is the author of "My Bible of essential oils" or "Treat with essential oils during pregnancy".

D. FESTY, Essential oils, it works! , Editions Leduc. s, 336 pages.

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